My life, driving school, towing training, car club and home
Having now moved on from I Want to Drive, the driving school for Poole, I will now concentrate on my life and My Cars and My Dog! Dorset Car Club is a large Car Club based in Dorset! See Facebook for more info. We meet once a month, 3rd Thursday of Event Month at the Barley Mow Pub, Long Lane in Wimborne. We also as a club, run the Bandford Show Car Sundays car meet which takes place on the 3rd Sunday of eveny month, with the exception of December and January.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
This is really cooooooool!
Just click on the title ... and make sure you have the music turned on .... thanks to Barry for this one!
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Friday, 20 February 2009
G20 Update.
Finished the taking out of the small (well it was when it started) rust patch under the windscreen. Ended up 5 inches long and an inch wide! Mesh, P38 and kurust seem to ahve done the job. the area has now been sprayed gloss black.
Just waiting for the new screen to arrive, middle of next week hopefully, then screen in, lights on, sound up and away we go.
Never thought I would miss a car that does bugger all to the gallon, is hard to park in british town centers, but I do. Its great and it is as a car should be .... big, in your face and its mine!
G20 Freedom .... we love you!
Labels: Chevrolet, g20 Day van
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
My Harley & Chevy Astro

I thought I'd share my LED 'fetish' with you all.....My Harley & the Astro. Hope you like!
If you see these in the Astro at a show DON'T be tempted! We will NOT pay the dentist's bill!
Labels: doughnuts, harley, milkshake, mock cakes, road king
Monday, 16 February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Competition time!

Labels: aircraft, dvd screen
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Monday, 9 February 2009
Kebab king turned ethanol emperor
A lifelong sports car enthusiast, Wyndham Beere always gets a kick out of driving his Ferrari. But the super car is not just Beere’s pride and joy - it is a demonstration of his latest business venture. Beere, the former joint owner of the Abrakebabra chain, is fired with enthusiasm about the potential of ethanol as a motor fuel, and has converted the high-performance Ferrari 355 to run on the renewable and environmentally friendly liquid.
Ethanol is a relatively new concept as a mass-market motor fuel, but Beere is keen to get in at the early stage of the market. Spotting an opportunity early on has already paid dividends for the entrepreneur under whom - with his brother Graeme - Abrakebabra grew from modest beginnings to a fast food empire with 55 franchised outlets.
Beere sold his 50 per cent share of the business to music promoter Denis Desmond in 2001, and has since focused on other interests. With his latest venture, he is betting that ethanol will be big business in Ireland, helping to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and also offering potential for much of our fuel to be produced domestically.
Beere’s inspiration came from an article in National Geographic magazine in October 2007 which outlined ethanol’s potential as a replacement for fossil fuels. Already concerned about the impact of global warming on the environment, he began to do his homework.
Converting cars to run on ethanol is straightforward, but finding the fuel to top up your tank can be a different matter. Eventually, Beere discovered an American firm that makes kits to convert cars to run on a combination of petrol and ethanol. ‘‘The latest kits now can detect how much petrol and ethanol is in the tank, so you don’t have to have all petrol or all ethanol,” he said.
Last week, Beere won the licence to distribute the kits in Ireland. His next step is to build up a chain of partners who can install the kits, and he will mainly focus on garages to build up the business. The installation process was relatively straightforward, he said.
‘‘You can even fit it yourself. It goes into the fuel injectors and it only takes three minutes. I can sell it and have it fitted for €300. It will also work on boats and motorbikes. Virtually anything with a petrol engine can be converted,” he said.
This sounds like a goer for geoff with his Avgas powered Astro
Sunday, 8 February 2009
What is your car?
OK so you may know its a 1994 Ford Escort with sunroof, but exactly how much do you know.
Well start with the VIN number and then fill it in on this website.
It is really cool and fast and FREE.
Labels: VIN number
Astro goes on video................
Trying new things out on the Blog, hope you like the music.......................
The strobes are switched from under the hood so Mr plod can't throw the toys out of the pram as they are only for SHOWS! The under van lights are remote controlled & have several 'modes' they are LEDs not neons.
Friday, 6 February 2009
G20 is in again
Freedom, the first car in Dorst Car Club (just put that in to see if the Google search engine find it!!!!!) has returned to its warm garage, also known as SIM Audio to have the rest of the work done on the sound and light system, fiamma wind out awning fitted and what ever else Ed and Steve want to do to it.
While that is being done, Aris will hopefully take the screen out so that I can fix the rusty bits that have formed in the windscreen surround.
They should have it done by Rallye Sunseeker, so with Freedom done, Astronomical lit up and Daisy Van with the new bright green Sub and Amp in the back, and Diddley Squat 4 lit up, we should make a bit of an impression!
We have been approved by Rallye Sunseeker, and the passes will be arriving 10 days or so before the show.
Labels: Astro, Chevrolet, Day Van, Rallye Sunseeker
Snow report from Bristol!!

from the house

Thursday, 5 February 2009
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Taztastic Products Inc.
Now come on you lot, get your orders in, these look fantastic! go on, you know you want one!
Dont you just love it when your children do something really ACE? When we go to shows, I always misplace the tickets and passes. "Where did I put them" I ask my wife , knowing full well that I put them somewhere ... in the glove box, in the show folder, on the floor, in an envelope ....
Then Taz came up with the idea of a ticket holder for the Day Van. The ideal opportunity came up with the Graphics course at school. Taz asked questions, did surveys at shows (no thanks to a couple of the PT Cruisers in Kent, but thanks to every one else) and did loads of designs.
Below is what came of a couple of terms work and many hours of graft and tears. Thanks to Mr Richards at school for his support (and I think he liked the Van as well!)
Now all we are looking for orders and someone to fund them. A great idea and keep a look out for it in the Day Van at shows this year.
Labels: american van, Chevrolet, Passes, Ticket