Henstridge Wings and Wheels, 27 August 2011
The alarm went off at 4.30am! Its was still dark outside. Stumbled down the stairs and off in the Jeep, fully loaded with signs, waterproofs, hammers, banners and water. Collected Jim and Tony from Southbourne and then met up with Paul and Caroline at Badbury Rings. Cruised up to henstridge together and arrived at the gate at about 6.50!
Got the main entrance gate set up, with new signage, crash tape and traffic cones.

Banners and warning notices all up. Classic car display area set up, grass runway markers all hammered in to place .... now the so-called waterproof HiTec boots were sodden through!
Time now for a bacon butty and coffee, well almost ....... first classic cars are arriving, with general public, a couple of air movements ..... traders start to arrive, pass holders try running the gate!
Classic car park starts to fill up, Air Cadets arrive and take control of the public car park. More classic cars, and disabled drivers.

Christchurch Cruisers motorcycle club arrives.

At just after 10am the Yakovlevs, based at Henstridge depart for a display in Cleathorpes .....

By 11.30 disabled area is full, and still more to come in.

A very nice Bell helicoper arrives and is the centre of attention for the aircraft enthusiast ....

Henstridge BBQ is ready to go at 12.30. Get staff food sorted, and delivered to the gates.

Air Park closure at 1pm, where is my lunch?

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight arrives from the East at 13.35, spot on time! All three aircraft this year, Lancaster, Hurrican and Spitfire ...

Still wondering where my lunch is?
Airpark cleared and aircraft depart, and find my lunch, a little cold now, but still good.

All too soon the day ends, a scattering of heavy showers, an abundance of fine motors, some great aircraft and a great team to work with.

Next years date is provisionally booked for Saturday 25th August 2011. See you there
Labels: air show, aircraft, American Car show, american cars, Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, Henstridge Wings and Wheels, Hurricane, Lancaster, Spitfire