Saturday, 21 February 2015

Dorset Car Club becomes a CLUB!

Since the club's formation in 2008, we have just been a group of close friends who love their cars and love camping at weekend shows. Up to this year this has been fine, but now with increasing member numbers and public liability issues, Chris, Steve L and Paul W have put together the Club's constitution and are at this time setting up a bank account for the club.

Loads of work is going on behind the scenes, showplaces are being booked for those that want to go, deals with new suppliers offering club discounts are under way, and just all the paperwork, the bank account forms run to some 45 pages!, takes a lot of work.

This will make the club better and stronger, and we will be issuing membership cards!

So we hope you like the idea and will continue to support the Dorset Car Club.