Saturday, 3 July 2010

5 Top Tips for Eco Driving

When you pass your test, the examiner will give you some info about Eco Driving. So what is Eco Driving? In short it getting more miles for your gallon (or litre!)

Here are 5 top tips that could help you save up to 15% on your fuel bill:

Top Tip No 1: Shift to a higher gear as soon as possible. Driving at lower engine speeds reduces fuel consumption.

Top Tip No 2: Anticipate early .... early vision, early decision. Avoid last minute braking, but taking your foot off the gas early.

Top Tip No 3: Keep a steady speed. Avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking, and its a smoother drive for you and your passengers, my pupils will understand "Don't spill the coffee!"

Top Tip No 4: Cut your speed .... just a bit. Stick to the speed limits, after all they are a limit and not a target! Its simple, the faster you go, the more frequent your visits to the petrol station.

Top Tip No 5: Keep your tyres at the correct pressure. Use a reliable and accurate gauge and check pressure when tyres are cold. Find the pressure details in your owners handbook. Don't forget the spare and refit the plastic valve caps

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